Septic Systems 101

Date(s) - 07/20/2021
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Categories No Categories

The EPA’s Decentralized Wastewater Program is offering a free webinar, Septic Systems 101, and there’s still time to get registered and submit your questions.

In this free training, you’ll learn information about septic system management as part of a larger strategy to protect the water in your private well, such as:

  • What is safe to flush down the drain,
  • Do you need to put additives in your septic tank, and
  • How to prolong the life of your system.

As always, they’ll begin with a short presentation covering the most common questions, followed by plenty of time for additional Q&A. Here are the details:

Septic Systems 101
July 20, 2021 from 1-2:30 PM CT

Register online for the webinar here!