The study questions in this practice exam are designed to prepare you for the training and testing of the IOWPA Installer and Inspector’s certification exams.  Please be sure to use the most current version of Rule 410 as your study guide. The most current version of Rule 410 is available at

Disclaimer: Indiana Onsite Wastewater Professionals Association’s (IOWPA) Certification Committee and the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) provide these study questions for your convenience. Questions concentrated on the placement, design, or construction of septic treatment or disposal systems. Please forward comments about how this study guide could be improved to

No information about the user or their performance is collected or kept when the session ends. The practice exam is intended strictly for the benefit of the user.

These study questions are designed to better prepare you for the training and testing of the Indiana Onsite Wastewater Professional Association installer certificate.  The practice exam is broken down by sections. Below are the links to the different sections. The sections may be saved to finish at a later time. Test results will be shown following each section.

On the Practice Exam Make a note to study for:
(1) Gravity test- you will need sec. A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-M-N
(2) Flood Dose – all of Gravity and sec K-J
(3) Pressure Distribution and Mounds – all sec + L


These study questions are provided for your convenience by the Indiana Onsite Wastewater Professions Association (IOWPA) and Purdue University to help you prepare for IOWPA’s installer certificate exam. It should not be used as a reference in place of Indiana’ s current Rule 410 IAC 6-8.2 for the placement, design or construction of septic systems. The original questions were prepared by Greg Lake, Kokomo, Indiana, but have been modified for the web by Don Jones and Brad Lee at Purdue University with. programming assistance from Chell Nyquist. Please forward comments about how this study guide can be improved to  No information about the user or their performance is collected during or kept after the online test is taken. It is intended solely for the benefit of the user.
Copyright by Purdue University 2005, Extension Publication number ID-327.

12/31/2010 quiz updated by Dick Blazer, Gary Hudson, Jerry Maule, Stuart Meade and Randy Staley,  IOWPA board members and proxies and Alan Dunn and Denise Wright, Indiana State Department of Health reflecting the rule revisions effective January 1, 2011.  Electronic exam format created by Kelly Delp, Agronomy Department, Purdue University